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Colorbond Roof Replacement With Council and No Go Zone (power company) Permits

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Colorbond Roof Replacement - Council Permits and No Go Zone Permits

Inner city Colorbond roof replacements can often be quite complex requiring the procurement of Council Permits and No Go Zone Permits to work safely next to powerlines.

There might also be a number of items on a roof that require disconnect and reconnect or removal altogether. Mechanical lifting equipment as well as scaffold and/or guardrail may be required to safely access and work within difficult to reach areas.

This is where it becomes easy to handball to an organisation that is used to organising all this for you so all you have to do is say what you'd like done and then turn up to look at the finished result.

Roofrite recently was asked quote on a Colorbond roof replacement at a two storey corner property in Carlton. While the roof itself wasn't particularly complex, there were numerous elements to put in place that required skillful co-ordination of multiple trades and permits.

Access to the roof required the installation of scaffold across the back of the first floor level rear patio.  We also required a stair access tower so the team could get up and down carrying tools and small materials safely.

In order to get the roofing material onto the roof, a scissor lift was used to lift all the roof sheets onto the first floor patio and then from there onto the first floor roof.

The rear patio faced a lane way necessitating a Road Occupation/Lane closure permit from the local council.

Council Permits require a detailed Traffic Management Plan and proof of Public Liability (usually $20 million minimum) as well as a sample letter to be hand delivered advising locally affected tenants about the forthcoming works.

We organised the signage and traffic controller to implement the traffic management plan on the day of the lane closure.

The use of the scissor lift required a spotter because we were operating within 6.4m of powerlines.

The powerlines needed to be covered with battens (sometimes referred to as tiger tails - those black and yellow striped covers) to ensure that should anything inadvertently make contact, no one will die.

To get the powerlines covered requires the procurement of a No Go Zone Permit from the power supplier (typically two site meetings are needed for this).

To keep the team safe on the roof, guardrail was needed all around. This was hired and installed by Roofrite.

We organised for a HVAC plumber and then co-ordinated with him for the disconnection relocation and then reinstatement and reconnection of the airconditioning units on the roof to enable us to replace the roof sheets under them.

As part of the Colorbond roof replacement we replaced the dome skylights with clear glass double glazed Velux skylights.

And finally, because the property is tenanted, we liaised all our activities with the three tenants and kept the landlord in the loop too.

The first day is hectic on a project like this as you can imagine but the new Colorbond roof looks awesome.

Booking Roofrite to do the job for him!!

And the final word from the client:

Thanks for being super organised and professional throughout.

He had nothing more to do than organise the deposit and final payment after admiring our completion photos from his holiday location.  If this is the sort of project involvement you're looking for, give Roofrite a call on 9499.8059

Around $55K including all permits and equipment hire. Of course it will depend on your individual taste and what you're wanting to achieve with the blind. We've put together below a little information which we hope will help with your decision making.

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