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Is Your Metal Roof Suitable for Solar Panels?

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Solar Panels on Galvanised Metal Roof

Solar Panel Issues on Metal Roofs

Are you thinking of having solar panels installed on your galvanised metal roof? Read on to see why this isn’t such a great idea…

So, you’ve done all the research you can to work out the best deal for your situation: you’ve worked out the kilowatts required per hour, the cost per kilowatt, the number of panels required, what brand of panels, where on the roof they will best sit and so on.

But, what you probably have given absolutely no thought to is the fact that if you have a galvanised metal roof then solar panels are definitely not suitable for your roof.

Solar Panel Issues on Metal Roofs

It comes down to one little known issue: dissimilar metal corrosion. defines dissimilar metal corrosion as the electrochemical process that destroys metal, reducing its strength and thickness.

Solar panel extrusions (the metal case the panels sit in) are usually made from aluminium. So by sitting the aluminium panels on top of the galvanised metal, you’re creating a corrosive setting that is activated when it rains.

How do Solar Panels on Galvanised Roofs Create Problems?

Rainfall, or even condensation run off, facilitates the flow of electrons from one dissimilar metal to the other.

Quite quickly corrosion commences and before long, your galvanised roof will show signs of rust along the path of the waterflow. This is clearly demonstrated in the images below.

If not addressed quickly, you will soon be needing a new roof!

What is The Solution to Solar Panel and Galvanised Roof Incompatibility?

Unfortunately there is no easy solution. The only option is to keep these two metals away from each other. A consideration is to replace your existing galvanised roof with a zinc or Colorbond roof prior proceeding with solar panels. This is certainly better than having to take the panels down later to replace the roof - requiring even more expense and inconvenience.

Call Roofrite on (03) 9499 8059 for further information.

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