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Condensation is Often Mistaken for Metal Roof Leaks | Roofrite Melbourne

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Condensation is Often Mistaken for

Metal Roof Leaks...


Roofrite is occasionally called out to investigate metal roof leaks that turn out to be “phantom” roof leaks. The occupiers of the property are experiencing staining or mould growing on the ceiling. A sure sign of a metal roof leak right?  Wrong! Investigation sometimes reveals the cause of the leak to be condensation.

Condensation is more common in winter as the metal roof cools with the night air and the inside of the building warms. The problem can also be caused by venting of warm moist air from kitchens, bathrooms and laundries into the roof cavity rather than directly outside.

Condensation is rusting this metal roof from the inside out
Condensation is rusting this metal roof from the inside out

The Problem

If the building has had no sarking or sizalation installed, condensate builds up on the metal underside of the roof. It then drips onto the ceiling below. The insulation batts below can act like a giant sponge. As the batts absorb the moisture from above, hey presto! Ceiling stains appear. The ceiling can become so wet that it is in danger of caving in. Fortunately, before this stage occurs, most people assume they have a roof leak and call a roof plumber.

Image 2: The Solution is to install a flue to vent the moist bathroom air directly outdoors.
Image 2: The Solution is to install a flue to vent the moist bathroom air directly outdoors.

The Cause

Though our client's ceiling wasn't caving in, condensation accumulating under her bathroom roof was causing the metal roof sheet to rust through. The Thornbury bathroom had a fixed glass window. The only ventilation was a ceiling fan venting directly into the low pitched (almost flat) roof and the client was worried about the build up of mould in her bathroom. This led her to call us. Our investigation of the metal roof revealed rust advancing from the inside out.

The Solution

Fixing the condensation issue in this case was a text book solution.  The Australian Building Codes Board, Condensation In Buildings Handbook 2011, states it “is best practice to exhaust air directly outdoors from high moisture generation rooms, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and laundries.” Roofrite replaced the roof sheet and installed a flue venting the bathroom air directly outdoors.

Image 3: The newly installed flue venting directly outside
Image 3: The newly installed flue venting directly outside

Roofrite Melbourne for Metal Roof Repairs, Metal Roof Restoration  & Metal Re-Roofing - 03 9499 8059

If you have any queries, or would like a quote on repairing or replacing your metal roof, please call Roofrite on 03 9499 8059.


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