Introducing the Illume Solar Shaftless Skylight System
Want a skylight but can’t get it into the roof? Here’s the solution. Illume Solar Shaftless Skylight Systems.
Imagine. A skylight that can be installed anywhere in your home… Even in the basement or a lower storey. It is now possible thanks to the Illume ‘Advanced Skylight System’. It does not require any light shafts or flexible tubes to be passed through the roof cavity so this clever lighting system opens up a new range of possibilities to create beautiful ambient light anywhere a traditional skylight can’t be fitted.
Almost every home or workplace has places that aren’t getting enough light or which are dimly lit, say for example, a basement, a hallway, a walk-in-robe, bathroom, or the pantry. Wherever you want to add ambient light, there is an Illume model or system to suit.
Solar LED Skylights
Almost every home or workplace has places that aren’t getting enough light or which are dimly lit, say for example, a basement, a hallway, a walk-in-robe, bathroom, or the pantry. Wherever you want to add ambient light, there is an Illume model or system to suit.
All Illume systems are fully solar powered with integrated LED lighting. A small solar collector is mounted on your roof then the sun’s energy is harnessed and converted using the ambient light technology system. This system outputs through the Illume control module that in turn powers the Illume skylight panel. The ambient light technology system automatically adjusts the skylight panel output to match external conditions. This means that as the sky clouds over or the sun sets, so does the light output of Illume. It will not emit any light after dark.
UV and heat can be problematic with some skylights in summer while for other skylights leaking or cold might be problematic in winter. Not with Illume. The Illume skylight is a sealed system so nothing is projected indoors except light.
So there you have it. Illume. A bright idea offering a shaftless, solar operated light system that can be installed anywhere.
- works without batteries
- no mains power required
- no running costs
- no light shaft required
- no UV emissions
- doesn’t attract insects
- no heat transfer
- no carbon footprint
- no noise transfer
- no leaks
- no dead or alive insects (sealed unit)
Call Roofrite today on (03) 9499 8059 to obtain your free quote for supply and installation.