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Solatube Skylight Installation Melbourne (Econotube)

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Solatube Skylight Installation Melbourne (Econotube)

Do you struggle on a dark day in Melbourne to fill your room with natural light?

Solatube’s Daylighting System can bring daylight into any dark area of your home. You can transform dark rooms into welcoming spaces filled with natural daylight. An added benefit of Solatube’s Daylighting System is that the shaft can be angled at any direction so there are no structural limitations to your preferred location.

Roofrite was recently asked to help find a skylighting solution for a dark kitchen in a client’s “granny” flat in Hadfield. Even on the brightest of Melbourne days, the client was having to have all the kitchen lights on.  Budget was a consideration as well as the preferred location of the skylight. The client didn’t want to go to the expense of moving any lighting or having any structural changes made to the roof cavity to accommodate a large skylight. However, it was essential to the client’s outcome that natural daylight be increased.

A Solatube Skylight ticked all the boxes. We recommended our client install a Solatube Econotube 400 with a flexible shaft and a 400mm diameter curved ceiling diffuser.

A question we’re often asked by clients is whether the Solatube Skylight will be damaged in a hailstorm.

The Solatube Skylight dome is impact resistant and will not craze or crack as it ages.

Furthermore, Solatube Skylights are designed to block 100% of UVB & UVC rays and 95% of UVA rays so your clothing and furnishings will not fade. The Neoprene Seal reduces heat transfer between dome and tubing and reduces condensation too. Best of all, Solatube offers a 10 year warranty on the whole product and guarantees it is leakproof.

As can be seen from the before and after photos, the room has been greatly improved for around $1,000. Solatube Econotube Skylights are a great solution to dark hallways which makes them particularly suitable in suburbs such as Northcote, Thornbury, Flemington, Carlton, and Preston where single fronted period homes with a narrow, often dark hall are typical.

Call Roofrite today to arrange a free quotation.

Tel: 03 9499 8059

We are thrilled with the result of the Solatube installation in our granny flat. A dull kitchen area is now filled with natural light and is a pleasure to be in. A big thank you to the team at Roofrite for the excellent service!

DF – Hadfield (October 2014)

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