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OPEN: Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM 9499 8059
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Tile To Metal Roof Replacement

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Shedding Some Weight

A tile to metal roof replacement is like lifting the weight of the world off your shoulders. Imagine shedding 92% of your weight. That’s what happens when your replace the average tiled roof with a Zinc or Colorbond metal roof. In the same way the pressure is removed from knees with great weight loss, so too the pressure is relieved on the roof frame, walls and foundations with a tile to metal roof replacement.

Roofrite regularly replaces tiled roofs with Zinc or Colorbond. One of our more recent tiled off tin on projects was for a unit in Box Hill South. Our client wanted the roof replaced prior to her planned moving in date. The project was delivered on time and on budget.

Colorbond Ironstone

We replaced approximately 160m2 of roof tiles with Colorbond Ironstone corrugated iron laid over sizalation foil. The foil helps with condensation runoff. Pricing also included installing approximately 250 lineal metres of steel top hat battens. The existing timber tile support battens are not suited to the span of metal roofing sheets. As a result, all tile to metal roof conversions require new battens to be installed.

Removing Tiles From Site

Skips are the cheapest way to remove the roof tiles from site. If the skips can be butted up against the wall of the dwelling, the roof tiles can be dropped into the skip from the roof as they are removed saving on the labour cost of walking the tiles to the skip.

Solar Roof Ventilator

While replacing the roof we also installed a Solar Roof Ventilator to help move the hot air out of the cavity during summer time.

Project Costs

This was a pretty straightforward project with good access taking us 5 solid days to complete. Pricing for a project like this would fall in the vicinity of $21,000-$25,000 including GST.

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