Velux Skylights Over Staircases

Velux Skylights Over Staircases | Melbourne | Roofrite

Skylights Over Stairwells

Maybe you want to bring light in to the stairwell? Maybe you want to bring some ventilation in to the stairwell? Maybe you would like light and ventilation both in the stairwell? Almost anything is possible with Velux skylights.

These beautiful off-the-shelf skylights offer great value as they come standard with double glazing. They're BAL rated. You can have non opening Velux skylights. You can have solar openable skylights.

Roofrite are the Velux skylight installation experts. Call us to discuss how we can make your lighting and ventilation wishes come true with the installation of a Velux skylight for your stairwell.

Give Roofrite a call today (03) 9499 8059.

Velux Skylights Over Staircases | Melbourne | Roofrite
Velux Skylights Over Staircases | Melbourne | Roofrite